Examples of my work.


Examples of some of my business & ministry processes:

Concepts that I have developed and implemented within the context of church/ministry.

  • Project Funnel | A process/continuum I developed for strategic project visualization, planning, and execution.

  • Leadership Continuum | A process/continuum detailing the variances of individuals pursuing leadership within a church context - from Pre-Christians to those with a Pastoral calling.

  • The Significance of Context in Messaging | A grid illustrating the importance of considering intentions, mediums, and contexts when implementing a strategy for messaging within a church/ministry arena.

  • Sanctuary Growth Guide | A process/continuum I helped develop that illustrates the strategic milestones and flow in the execution of the mission and vision of The Sanctuary church and the corresponding engagement/maturity of those in their faith community/congregation.

  • Leadership Empowerment through The Dip | A process/continuum for leadership empowerment I developed (based on Seth Godin’s “The Dip”), from invitation to deployment, in a ministry context.

Examples of my video storyboarding/directing:

Projects that I conceptualized, wrote scripts for and oversaw production on.


FOR the ONE. We created this video to capture the heart behind our FOR the ONE vision and mission at The Sanctuary for each viewer to understand the significance of each person being reached for Christ in Santa Clarita. Context: The Sanctuary church

What to Expect Sundays. We created this video to help folks re-enter church in-person after Covid restrictions had eased and we were launching our newly renovated facilities. Context: The Sanctuary church

Thrive Journey Overview & Promo. We created this video to provide a flyover overview of the Thrive discipleship process and Journey. Context: The Sanctuary church

What if? We created this video to ask a profound question and to consider the priority of reaching student athletes with the Good News of Jesus. Context: FCA of Santa Clarita

FCA Camp. We created this video to capture the impact on the lives of athletes attending the Western Region FCA Camp from Santa Clarita, CA. Context: FCA of Santa Clarita

Missions Giving. An example of a monthly Missions Giving Focus video at The Sanctuary. We created these videos for playback in services and placement on our website and social media channels. Context: The Sanctuary church