Examples of my work.
Examples of some of my business & ministry processes:
Concepts that I have developed and implemented within the context of church/ministry.
Project Funnel | A process/continuum I developed for strategic project visualization, planning, and execution.
Leadership Continuum | A process/continuum detailing the variances of individuals pursuing leadership within a church context - from Pre-Christians to those with a Pastoral calling.
The Significance of Context in Messaging | A grid illustrating the importance of considering intentions, mediums, and contexts when implementing a strategy for messaging within a church/ministry arena.
Sanctuary Growth Guide | A process/continuum I helped develop that illustrates the strategic milestones and flow in the execution of the mission and vision of The Sanctuary church and the corresponding engagement/maturity of those in their faith community/congregation.
Leadership Empowerment through The Dip | A process/continuum for leadership empowerment I developed (based on Seth Godin’s “The Dip”), from invitation to deployment, in a ministry context.
Examples of my video storyboarding/directing:
Projects that I conceptualized, wrote scripts for and oversaw production on.